Blue Cohosh – A Native American Herb To Ease Childbirth
Caulophyllum Thalictroides Common Names: Beechdrops, blueberry, blue ginseng, papoose root, squaw root, yellow ginseng. Medicinal Part: Rootstock Description: Blue cohosh is a perennial plant found in eastern North America, near running streams, around swamps and in other moist places. The fruit is a pea-sized, dark blue berry borne on a fleshy stock. Properties and Uses: Anthelmintic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, oxytocic. Blue cochosh is used to regulate menstrual flow, particularly for suppressed menstruation. The Indians used it to induce labor, also for children’s colic and for cramps. Normally, it should be given in combination with other herbs indicated for the condition involved. Blue cohosh can be very irritating to mucous surfaces and can cause dermatitis on contact. Children have been poisoned by the berries. Preparation and Dosage: Blue Cohosh should be used with medical supervision![1] My midwife introduced me to blue cohosh during my first pregnancy. Traditio...