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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2019

How Much Do You Have to Weigh to See Your 6-Pack?

Most guys don’t realize how much weight they have to lose to see their full 6-pack abs. In many cases guys will sabotage their own weight loss efforts because they assume they will be able to see all of their abs at an unrealistically high body weight. If you want to see your abs then your goal should be how you look in the mirror and not your body weight. If you thought you’d see your abs at 180 pounds, and you diet down to 180 pounds and you don’t’ see them…well that just means you have to diet down even lower to see them, plain and simple no magic trick to that. The amount you weigh on a scale really doesn’t matter, it’s the look that matters. You probably have a good idea of exactly how you’d like your body to look but only a vague idea if at all of how much you should weigh at that look. But if you’ve never seen your full 6-pack before I’ll bet you’re assuming the weight is much higher than it really is. In other words, there is a specific body weight you will weigh in order fo...

Lactase Enzyme

Introduction: People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the sugar in milk. As a result, they have diarrhea, gas and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products. The condition, which is also called lactose malabsorption, is usually harmless, but its symptoms can be uncomfortable. A deficiency of this enzyme produced in your small intestine – is usually responsible for lactose intolerance. Many people have low levels of enzyme but are able to digest milk products without problems. If you're actually lactose intolerant, though, your lactase deficiency leads to symptoms after you eat dairy foods. Most people with lactose intolerance can manage the condition without having to give up all dairy foods. Symptoms The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin 30 minutes to two hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose. Common signs and symptoms include: • Diarrhea • Nausea, and sometimes, vomiting • Abdominal cramps • Bloating • G...

How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat – Secrets For the Regular Person – Part 2 of a 4 Part Weekly Series

Part 2 – Changing the Way You Eat and the Foods to Avoid to Get Rid Of Stomach Fat Changing the Way You Eat Back in Part 1 of my 4 part series I gave an overview of Stomach Fat, Why We Have It, and What We Have to do to Get Rid of Stomach Fat. In Part 2 of this series I will shift the focus to nutrition and how changing the way you eat will help you get rid of stomach fat, lose weight, and lower body fat. According to who you talk to, nutrition probably accounts for 70-90% of a lifestyle change designed to lose weight. That’s right; I said lifestyle change, not diet. Diets have let us down for years, starting with how the USDA designed the food pyramids. The USDA let us down back in the early 80’s. They changed the food pyramid to focus on more carbohydrates and less fat. The USDA drove us to start eating more carbs by making the base of the pyramid (the biggest portion of the suggested diet) heavy in starches, grains, and other carbs. They didn’t educate the average American on the...

Type 2 Diabetes – The Role of Genes in Diabetic Complications

Type 2 diabetes affects the whole body because it affects the heart and blood vessels, and blood travels through almost every living tissue. Why do some individuals develop particular complications, while others do not? Having specific genes makes people susceptible to certain conditions. As these genes are found and matched with complications to which they can contribute, it will someday become possible to predict which complications patients and their physicians need to watch out for and prevent. In September of 2018, the journal Acta Ophthalmology reported on a genetic study performed at the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom and a number of other research institutions throughout the world. The work centered on retinopathy, the most common eye disease seen in those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes … a total of 560 participants with Type 2 diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy, and 4,106 Type 2 diabetic participants without retinopathy were included in the study. Th...

Ovarian Cancer Surgery Abroad

Like most of the other cancer treatments, ovarian cancer surgery costs abroad are highly affordable and reduce financial and emotional load on the patients. Ovarian cancer surgery in India is conducted for localized cancers or metastic cancers affecting and infiltrating the surrounding healthy tissue or other organs. Several American prefer the treatment of ovarian cancer in Mexico as the country is located close to the United States and reduced hassles of travel. However affordable ovarian cancer treatment in Turkey provides significant cost saving opportunity. Several patients travel abroad for ovarian cancer surgery in Jordan, due to the advantage of international quality standards and highly trained medical teams. High Risk factors for the developing cancer of the ovaries One of the strongest predisposing factors is a family history. Clinical research studies suggest that familial history of cancers like breast, colon, rectum or ovary, is a high risk factor for developing the co...

How To Find The Right Treatment For Lung Cancer

You will not be able to find the right course of treatment for lung cancer until you have been diagnosed, and the type of lung cancer you have has been identified. Many people think of lung cancer as being one condition, but there are actually more than one varieties of this serious medical condition. In your search to find the right treatment for your condition you must first identify the symptoms of cancer that you are experiencing. These symptoms will alert your medical team to the probability of which of the two main types of cancer of the lungs you may be suffering from. Seek medical treatment if you experience the following symptoms, especially if you experience more than one of these symptoms at a time. • Respiratory infections like bronchitis that keep recurring • A raspy cough that may, or may not, have streaks of blood in the mucous • Periods of hoarseness • Shortness of breath • Persistent chest pains, especially if these are accompanied by wheezing • Swelling i...

How to Build Rock Hard Muscles – Get 6 Pack Abs in 16 Weeks Or Less

Building rock hard muscles and losing weight is not as easy as it sounds. If you are skinny, it is easier for you to get the 6 pack abs because there is no fat to lose. However, if you are over weight, it is very difficult to lose weight and gain muscles at the same time. The main reason is that the 2 process can confuse your body and actually make it harder for you than it seems to be. If you want to build rock hard muscles, you must eat more protein and do intense heavy exercises. Since your muscles need more pressures and intensity to grow, you must lift heavy weights and try to do only 3-4 repetitions each set. After that, you need to eat lots of protein to help the muscles recover and grow bigger. The same principals apply to training your abdominal area if you want to make the six pack to become more visible. On the other hand, if you are fat and trying to lose weight, you need to do lots of cardio exercises and use less heavier weight with higher repetition. Most of those fat ...

Pregnancy Symptom – the Classic Symptoms

The first reaction to early sign of pregnancy is disbelief, joy followed by a feeling of uncertainty. A visit to the doctor and a blood test is the only way to confirm your pregnancy. Early pregnancy tests are very reliable and even show the accurate results of a 2-week-old embryo. Before the visit to a doctor for the confirmation of pregnancy, it is very important to watch out for pregnancy symptoms. The precautions taken during early sign of pregnancy is very important for embryo’s health and well being. Some of the most recognizable signs of pregnancy are as follows. Classic pregnancy symptoms These pregnancy symptoms appear soon after fertilization, within 8-10 days after conception. Some of the pregnancy symptoms stay with you for the entire period of gestation, while some pregnancy symptoms disappear as the pregnancy advances. They stop troubling you as your body starts getting used to change in hormones and settles to the imminent body changes. A few temporary early signs of p...

The New Lifestyle Diet Vs Medifast – The Truth

As a former Medifast customer that switched to the New Lifestyle Diet, I have been asked by countless friends and family members why I made the switch. I have been more then happy to tell people Furthermore, I have been reading articles on the Internet comparing the two programs and I felt that the truth was not being told. As a result, I’m writing this brief article to provide the facts and give a better understanding to those comparing the two programs. Cost Comparison: If you compare both basic women’s 4 week programs, the New Lifestyle Diet runs $273 and the Medifast runs $299.50. However, the two programs are very different in what is actually provided. For example, the New Lifestyle Diet 4 week program, includes 28 boxes/168 meals. While the Medifast 4 week program, only includes 20 boxes/143 meals. If you compare the two programs, you’ll find that Medifast is providing less product at a higher cost. This equates to a per meal basis where Medifast Costs $14.98 per box. While,...

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Should You Eat Pasta?

One question many people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes who are looking to control their blood sugar levels and lose weight, is whether or not they should include pasta in their eating plan on a regular basis. Is pasta a “safe” carb to consume? Your gut instinct may be to say no. So, is this a fact? Here’s what to know… 1. The Calorie Content Of Pasta. The reason you often hear pasta should not be consumed when following a weight loss plan is it contains far more calories than you probably bargained for – that is if you eat a typically sized serving. As a rule, people sit down to a one to two cup serving which is too much for anyone to have, whether they are dealing with Type 2 diabetes or not. A one or two cup serving can add up to almost 100 grams of carbs, which is way more than anyone needs to consume in a single sitting. If you can moderate how much you eat and only eat a half cup, pasta is not too bad. It will then just give you around 25 grams of carbs, which is a “safe” amo...

Fight Cervical Cancer Through Prevention and Early Detection

Remember the famous saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"? This age old saying holds absolutely true for cervical cancer, a leading cause of cancer deaths in women. By the time symptoms develop and women realize that they are ill, it's usually too late. While a regular check up can ensure a future free of cervical cancer, laxity can lead to a physically and an emotionally draining experience of battling with it. According to the Cervical Cancer-Free Coalition, a preventable disease, cervical cancer kills more women in India than anywhere in the world, affecting 1, 32,000 women each year of whom 72,000 women lose their battle with it. Most common in women over the age of 30, cervical cancer affects the uterine cervix, a part of a woman's reproductive system. The cervix is ​​a passageway that connects the lowest portion of a women's uterus (womb) to the vagina. Cancer begins in cells, which are building blocks that make up tissues. Normal cervi...

What Is The Difference Between Lung Cancer and Lymphoma?

There are two different types of cancer that may affect the lungs: 1. Primary lung cancer is categorized as either small cell, or non-small cell, and usually begins in the lungs before it spreads to other parts of the body. Small cell is commonly associated with heavy smokers, where non-small cell may include other types of cancers such as squamous cell, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. Symptoms may include a persistent cough, coughing up small amounts of blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pains, a dull aching pain in the shoulder that may move down the outside of the arm, a notable weight loss, and recurrent chest infections or pneumonia. Diagnosis of lung cancer is not usually found until after a doctor has ordered a chest X-ray which is usually associated with another illness. If lung cancer is detected by the chest X-ray, a CT (computer assisted tomography) scan, or a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan may also be ordered to further confirm both the disease...

How To Go From Flabby Belly To Six Pack Abs

All around the world, especially in the West where people tend to be bigger and carry more weight than the normal average person, the question of how to lose lower belly fat is being asked by millions. Surprisingly an increasing number of men are worried about having potbellies that hang over their waist band. A flat six-pack is a sign of good health and a measure of one’s sexual prowess hence more and more men are working hard to achieve it. Unfortunately many are either doing the wrong exercises or eating the wrong foods which do not help them in their quest for six-pack abs. Combine Cardio And Strength Training A good exercise regime which includes a variety of exercises would be the best way to start. This should include sixty minutes of cardio exercises to get your metabolic rate up every other day, interchanged with forty-five minutes of strength training. Cardio exercises include but are not limited to walking, running, cycling as well as a variety of exercises that can be don...

Pregnancy Week by Week and CranioSacral Therapy

The nine months of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters each consisting of three months duration (14 weeks each approx ). I have noticed that some common symptoms arise at each trimester that pregnant clients find are helped or alleviated with CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Let’s consider the first trimester (that is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy). The first weeks after conception are when the body’s organs and systems are formed. This is known as the embryonic period. At eight weeks the baby (embryo) is smaller than your little toe yet all the internal organs are formed and some are functioning! Some women choose to come for CST in preparation for conception as these early weeks are so vital in your baby’s development. Some mums-to-be may wonder if it is safe to have CranioSacral treatments when they are pregnant? It is safe and desirable as Cranio-sacral work helps the body in adapting to the changes throughout the 40 weeks and it is desirable to have your body fun...

How to Get a Flat Stomach in 12 Weeks!

It doesn’t matter what others do and don’t do to get a flat stomach because I am going to show you what YOU should do if you really want to get flat sexy abs in a span of 12 weeks. Before you get overly excited with the fact that you could get flat abs in just 12 weeks, I should warn you that results very depending on the individual. An overweight person with a 38 inch waist can lose 4-5 inches within 12 weeks which doesn’t mean that person got a flat stomach. Instead he/she lose 4-5 inches, and if the person continues following the system, he/she will get super lean in a very short period of time. Let me take you through a brief journey to the world of quick and effective fat loss where the dirtiest yet most popular myths of fat loss with be finally revealed. — Doing 1000s of Ab crunches every day will never get you a flat stomach. You can cry and break yourself doing thousands of Ab crunches every single day, but you will never see those strong muscular abs if you don’t get rid o...

4 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

Diabetes is a condition that is caused when blood sugar levels within the body becomes too high and can affect people of all ages. There are various side-effects of having diabetes and it is a condition that should be taken seriously and monitored closely. Looking after your eyes when you have diabetes is vital as having the condition can cause eye problems, which if not looked after correctly, can lead to deterioration and potential irreversible eye damage. In this article I will look at 4 ways diabetes can affect the eyes. Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is probably the most commonly known complication of having diabetes and must be taken seriously as it can lead to blindness. Diabetic retinopathy affects the retina, which is the back of eye. The retina is the part of the eye that converts the light we see into signals which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve, this is then processed by the brain into the images that we see. Diabetic retinopathy is caused when the...

3 Terrible Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian cancer has a very dismal prognosis. However, if you are able to recognize the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms early on, you might have a better chance of surviving. But don’t get completely mislead, as the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms are not necessarily ‘terrible’. Yes, they denote that you have a horrifying disease, but in and of themselves they are not much worse than symptoms associated with less serious diseases. Yet, they definitely should not be overlooked, especially if they persist over a long period of time. This article will discuss the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms including: abdominal problems, incontinence and dyspareunia. The first symptom of the top 3 ovarian cancer symptoms we are going to talk about involves problems within the abdominal region. This usually starts off with abdominal swelling. The swelling gets so bad that a woman may have trouble zipping up her jeans. She may think the underlying issue is weight gain, but many times...

Hospitals Offer Lung Cancer Screening – Do You Need to Be Tested?

Lung Cancer Screening At Hospitals Hospitals all over the country offer screening for lung cancer. According to the CDC, the choice to get screened should be an educated one. Lung Cancer Screening Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in America for both men and women. According to recent estimates, the lung cancer accounts for over 150,000 deaths each year, more than the next three leading causes (colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer) combined. This is a worrying phenomenon, undoubtedly precipitated by an individual's rate of tobacco smoking, as well as by factors related to air pollution, such as car exhaust, industrial emissions, and other emissions that can blanket cities in dense smog. It is a serious epidemic that has long-lasting effects on everyone diagnosed, even if the symptoms are identified early on. As a result, testing for lung cancer is very important. Many hospitals offer free screening, and it is highly advisable to go through screening if you are at...

The Truth About Arnel Ricafranca’s Popular 6 Pack Abs in 16 Weeks Program

Losing belly fat and get a six pack abs is not easy for many people as it sounds. You have probably wondered why you can’t seem to get that lean sexy abs no matter how many programs and diets you tried in the past. The main reason is because 90% of all weight loss programs or fitness equipments on on the market are ineffective and just big marketing schemes. Let’s take a look and see if Arnel Ricafranca 6 pack abs program is just another scam. Most weight loss and abs programs on TV and the internet hire ripped, sexy models to show people what you can achieve after buying their products. What you don’t understand is that the hired models actually don’t even use those products themselves. In fact, they are just actors and trying to make a quick buck. The 6 pack abs in 16 weeks program by Arnel Ricafranca is a lot different than most because you can actually see the real people getting real results. From first glance, the program looks pretty promising because you can actually see the ...

Love Your Baby Bump! How to Look Beautiful During Pregnancy

Hey mommy-to-be, congratulations on entering one of the most wonderful, exciting, and most rewarding times of your life; Your Pregnancy! I want to help you embrace this time. Too many women are embarrassed or shy about their pregnant bodies, but I do not want you to feel this way. Love your baby bump! You are a beautiful pregnant woman, you are about to produce life! You should feel proud and good about yourself while you are pregnant. During my first pregnancy I allowed myself to be shy and, unfortunately, a little bit embarrassed about my pregnant body. I wore lare, baggy sweatshirts through most of my pregnancy, and frankly, I stayed at home most of the time. But after I gave birth to my baby boy I felt so proud and wonderful that I promised myself that I would revel in my next pregnancy. When I got pregnant with my daughter I embraced my pregnancy and allowed myself to feel and look wonderful. My second pregnancy was so much more liberating for me as I let myself really enjoy bei...

Fast Action Weight Loss Tips

When it comes to the issue of fast weight loss there is one issue that must always be accorded proper consideration: the ensuring that the commitment to speedy weight loss does not place the health or overall well-being of the dieter at risk. This is an especially acute issue in regards to fad diets where the emphasis on the denial and abstinence of particular food types (such as proteins or carbohydrates) is advocated. One of the major reasons that fad diets fail is that they put a time limit, a ticking clock, on the process thereby meaning that the dieter is forced to comply with a narrowly defined, tightly regulated diet that is highly restrictive to their daily routine. Therefore, their commitment will last for the entire duration of the fad diet, and then end. Therefore, in order to ensure that any and all progress that is made actually remains, please ensure that you rely on the following in order to effectively and quickly lose weight in a comfortable period of time. Reduce y...

Type 2 Diabetes – Combined Physical Activity Makes It Easier to Control Blood Sugar

The two basic types of exercise, aerobic and muscle or resistance training, have been much studied as a treatment for Type 2 diabetes. Investigators at the Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, China, put together thirty-seven studies on the two exercise types and analyzed them as if they were one extensive study. They found a combination of the two types of exercise is best for controlling blood sugar levels. Their results were published in July of 2018 in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The studies included a total of 2208 participants who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Both types of physical activity showed improved control of blood sugar levels when compared with no exercise, but combined training lowered the HbA1c levels more than either kind of exercise alone… supervised aerobic activity improved HbA1c levels 0.6 percent more than unsupervised aerobic exercise and improved weight loss by more than 5 kg. supervised muscle training sh...

Ovarian Cancer- It Whispers, So Listen

Ovarian cancer is the biggest killer amongst all of the female cancers. Nearly 80% of those treated for ovarian cancer will experience a recurrence. The chances of death within the first five years of treatment is nearly 50%, no matter if it is stage 2,3, or 4. These grim statistics are now a reality for my own life. I am an ovarian cancer survivor. One reason ovarian cancer is so deadly is because it is very difficult to detect. Often, by the time it is diagnosed, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. There is no reliable screening for ovarian cancer like there is for breast cancer and cervical cancer. It can only be detected through an exam by an Ob/Gyn. So, it is important for all women to make an effort to get those yearly exams. There is a tumor marker,CA-125, in the blood that may show the presence of ovarian cancer. It is not used as a screening procedure because it is not reliable enough. However, in cases where a woman is at a high risk, the CA-125 marker may be ...

What Has to Be Known About Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer affecting close to 2 million people every year worldwide, and killing approximately 75% of those who have are affected. Although studies have proven that there has been a decrease in incidence of lung cancer cases since the mid 1980’s, present epidemiology is still alarming. According to the surgeon general lists of the United States, 21 deadly diseases are caused by smoking, including lung cancer. Even though most smokers know what would be the effect of smoking, they are still addicted and continue using the tobacco products or the primarily industrially manufactured, the cigarettes. Approximately half a million smoking-related deaths, including both direct and secondhand smokers, have been reported every year, and out of that half a million, about 437,000 of those are direct smokers. With 2 million people diagnosed to have lung cancer every year including 150,000 Americans, people may ask how likely one could acquir...