Ridiculous Myths About Pregnancy (Part 1)
Have you realized that there are lots of myths surrounding pregnancy? you hear the most ridiculous stories and warnings. Most of these come from traditional and cultural beliefs from different parts of the world, at the very least you'll have a good laugh when you read this so … enjoy. YORUBA LAND (NIGERIA) Its forbidden for a pregnant woman to go out at night and in the afternoon especially when the sun is bright and hot without attaching a safety pin to her clothing or else her child will be taken by evil spirits. you are not allowed to eat snails (escargot), this makes the child drool a lot and spit a lot after he's born. its forbidden for a pregnant woman to see a cripple. you must not allow anyone to walk across your legs this causes the child to look like the person that jumped or stepped over your feet. Do not sleep on your back, this damages the babies eyes. if a pregnant woman takes a photo she will die. if you beat a pregnant woman the same scars on her will ...