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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2019

Better Butt Means Better Back – The "King of the Golf Swing" The Glutes

During the golf swing the most important multi-function muscle is the butt. There I said it. It may be crude to some. But the butt is one of the most under utilized, under rated, muscle groups. Let me explain, most people, unless there out on the PGA tour, there at a desk sitting, working Monday through Friday. Sitting for prolong periods of time tends to be the biggest culprit of dis-function in human performance both in the gym and on the course. Most recreational players (and some pros for that matter) will have weak hip flexors, weak hamstrings, weak buttocks, weak para-spinals, and a weak protracted shoulder complex from sitting too long. So where does this leave us, well lets start with the butt. This entire muscle group is vital in helping the player to maintain lower body stability throughout the swing. It is also plays a large role in maintaining core stability throughout the swing. It is this one muscle group that helps to blend the lower body movement into the upper body mov...

Getting Pregnant After 40 – Tips to Increase Your Chance Of Conceiving Naturally At 40

Many studies have established the fact that one can have a shot at getting pregnant after 40. Statistically speaking, women 40 and above have a ten-percent chance of being able to conceive during each cycle. However, all efforts need to be channeled toward the act because upon reaching 45, the chances can be very slim to none. Successfully conceiving takes both the individuals/partners efforts. Here are some of the tips couples can employ to increase chances of getting pregnant after 40: 1) Talk with your partner and encourage him to have a healthy lifestyle. While you channel your efforts at being healthy to successfully ovulate, he should remain healthy as well to increase his sperm count. 2) Plan your sexual intercourse as to coincide with your ovulation. You need to diligently chart such date; meanwhile, your partner needs to wait to have sex until it is at least two days before, not after, ovulation. 3) Both of you need to stay away from things that can jeopardize your chances...

Reduce Excess Abdominal Fat – 4 Common Spices To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Beginning from this month, get ready to reduce excess abdominal fat from your body with 4 common spices that have being research-proven to lose belly fat fast instead of wasting your money on diet pills or weight loss pills. You may not be aware, but it is important you know that diet or weight loss pills depending on the type and the ingredients used to make them can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, liver problems, organ damage, headaches, nausea, increased heart rate, anxiety, restlessness, breathing problems, stomach problems and addiction to the pills or supplements. There is no substitute for healthy eating and regular physical activity when it comes to reducing stomach fat and losing weight. To reduce excess abdominal fat, regain your inner natural balance, lose belly fat and be in the best shape of your life, it is important that you know the 4 common spices that can help you get a flat stomach, improve your brain function and naturally lower bad cholesterol. Here a...

3 Vegetables That Lower High Blood Pressure

When your doctor tells you that you have a high blood pressure or hypertension, it signals that your health is at risk. Hypertension exposes you to heart diseases and stroke. These two belong to the top three conditions that kill many Americans annually. How Do You Know That You Have Hypertension ? A simple blood pressure test done by a doctor or nurse will determine if you have hypertension or not. Or if you have a device to check it at home, you can do that too. A reading below 120/80 is considered the normal blood pressure. Once your blood pressure hovers over the 120/80-139/89 level, then you have what is called prehypertension. You don’t have hypertension yet, but unless you take steps to lower it, then your chances of having it will increase in the future. Finally, if you reach the 140/90 level and above, then you already have hypertension. You should now take serious steps to normalize it. Otherwise, you run the risk of suffering from heart diseases and stroke, as we mention...

The Hidden Dangers of Ovarian Cancer Revealed!

Many people do not understand that there is a very strong chance they are suffering from ovarian cancer and do no even know it. This is because it is one of the most common cancers out there. One out of 55 women in the US suffer from ovarian cancer and a large number of them are in the metastatic stage. Completely unaware of the silent symptoms of ovarian cancer. Yes, there are many people who are under the impression that cancer must display as some type of dull pain but you may be surprised to know that many women do not recognize the symptoms of cancer in its initial stages. Please do not let this happen to you. Like every other cancer, ovarian cancer means that there are some abnormal cells, which have started multiplying in the ovarian tissue. Therefore, there are some very subtle symptoms, which you need to be aware of and look out for,. These symptoms of cancer can give you an inkling that there is something wrong with the ovaries or any other part of your body for that matter....

Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. There are ways you can incorporate certain foods into your diet to greatly reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and it is good to add these types of foods in your regiment anyway. One of the easiest foods to add is fish, this is because fish oils have been found to drastically reduce your risks of getting prostate cancer by as much as eleven percent. Most cultures, which have lots of fish in their diets have extremely low rates of the overall population of prostate cancer. Selenium appears to also be an easy answer to reducing prostate cancer, you could add a daily supplement vitamin with 200 micrograms to assist you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soybean products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add into your diet if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do this without too much problem. Unfortunately we...

How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation – It’s All in the Thrust

Are you wondering how to overcome premature ejaculation? In this article we are going to talk about the statement It’s all in the thrust. There are thousands upon thousands of men out there that are wishing that they knew what they were doing in bed, they desperately want to know how to overcome premature ejaculation. Who can blame them? Who wants to know that they are a terrible failure, horrible lover etc? I am sure that you do not like feeling this way. There are simple techniques that you can use to keep yourself from feeling this way and satisfy your partner once and for all. Let’s go ahead and talk about the statement It’s all in the thrust. Does It Matter How I Penetrate? You may be a little confused about what I mean by this statement but it’s extremely important that you listen. When you penetrate a woman’s vagina it of course gives her great sensations and there are certain ways that feel better than others to a woman. The same is true with a man. The Wrong Way If you a...

Making Your Schedule Flexible With Online Learning

There’s a war going on: It’s the war on scheduling. Often times, your lifestyle is its own unique battleground. You’re constantly on the defensive against time, you’re only ally is quick wits and a bit of luck, which in itself won’t work without you. Your weapons include a calendar, your laptop and planning skills. But times are changing, from the language you speak, to the way that you learn. You’re constantly on the prowl for knowledge, except that there are road-bumps and unexpected challenges, holding you back. In fact, these days, it doesn’t really matter whether you’re a student or an investment banker: the ability to schedule flexibly is your priority. How about this: Yohana is a young entrepreneur currently experiencing her first days in career mode . She lives just outside of town – away from the city center, but not too far out. Much like any other woman, Yohana has duties to fulfill: she has a husband, works a full time job, takes care of her parents and looks after her kid...

Lose Belly Fat Quickly

To lose belly fat quickly is a big concern and issue for many of us who really want to lose fat around certain parts of our bodies. When this occurs, it is mainly around our stomach area, and can distribute to the face, the arms, the thighs, legs and other parts of our bodies. This can make us really unhappy, deep down. Inside of us, we want to become free from weight gain. Whenever we have a weight issue, this is due mainly to a daily diet that is high in the following: 1. Fat. 2. Carbohydrates. 3. Sugar. 4. Salt. We can lose belly fat quickly if we reduce fat, carbohydrates, sugar and salt. It is easy for most of us to put on weight by just eating and drinking whatever we feel like, and not implementing the regular use of physical exercise. It can be extremely hard for many people to lose weight around certain parts of their bodies that they are not happy with because it generally involves the main fundamentals of weight loss success which are the following positives: 1. A good...

Dementia and High Blood Pressure

Dementia impacts all areas of your life, from medical to social to economic. Dementia impacts you, your family, and those around you. Increased attention and resources have been directed towards understanding the causes of dementia and possible treatments. There is evidence linking hypertension with dementia. The connection between dementia and hypertension appears to be directly related to blood pressure levels. Study #1 Over 1400 women over the age of 65 comprised a subset of participants enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative. They were followed for eight years. MRI scans revealed that there was an increase in white matter lesions in women with hypertension. White matter lesions indicate a weak insulation around nerve cells that are necessary for brain communication. Study #2 Another study conducted by Johns Hopkins University monitored 983 middle age or older men and women for over 15 years. Similar results were found related to white matter lesions. Greater brain damage wa...

The Stages of Endometriosis

Endometriosis symptoms can vary greatly from one person to the next. Symptoms can be severe while the endometriosis itself is mild. Mild symptoms can be present or even undetectable and endometriosis can be very advanced. The endometriosis symptoms you experience could have no correlation at all to the extent or severity of the endometriosis itself. Endometriosis tissue is much like the lining of your uterus. It reacts hormonally the same as the uterine lining. It grows and sheds along with your menstrual cycle. It is widely believed that in some cases, when the uterine lining is shed, it does not leave the body as it is supposed to. Instead, it travels up the fallopian tubes and into the abdominal cavity. Here, it infests the reproductive organs, surrounding tissues and even the nearby organs. Endometriosis is a progressive disease and can get worse over time. It can spread to the lower back, bowels, kidneys, lungs and other organs, inhibiting organ function. This is why it is parti...

You Can Survive Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer The prostate is a chestnut shaped gland located between the rectum and the throat of the bladder. It straddles the urethra with two lobes that reach around both sides of it. Muscle tissue in the lobes allows you to regulate the flow of urine and to stop it if necessary. The gland produces seminal fluid, the viscous fluid that carries semen during orgasm. Experts estimate that 26,000 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, and a further 250,000 are diagnosed in the U.S. African American men are more likely to be infected than any other ethnic group, Asian men the least. The reasons for this are unclear. However, regardless of your ethnic background, all men over the age of 50 are at risk of contracting the disease. If you’re a man over 50 or if you develop any of the following symptoms, see you doctor and get tested. The symptoms may be a sign of prostate cancer, or a different medical issue: Difficulty in starting, stopping or maintaining urine f...

2 Explosive Sex Positions For Guaranteed Orgasms – Be Her Supreme Sex God!

Here are some sex positions that may seem basic but are proven to this day to deliver orgasms for most women time and time again. If you perform these and add the variations to them, she will be begging for more. So here they are: 1. Cowgirl: Many people are familiar with this woman on top sex position. However, there are a few things you can add to this routine. Tell her to move her hips in a figure 8 motion. This will create friction in both your groin areas and also help you hit many different sensitive areas inside her vaginal canal. You can also press on her lower belly with your hand to tighten up her walls. 2. From Behind: This is a common sex position that has a good chance of orgasms for her. The reason is because it cultivating stimulation on the G-spot. Try this: Have her close her legs and grab her hips to use this to thrust with more force. This will allow for maximum deep penetration. Then, lean forward and thrust in circular motion to ensure you’re reaching all her p...

How to Develop a Chiropractic Marketing Plan That Works!

Marketing Your Private Practice Marketing is one of the most misunderstood and frustrating areas of practice development. Many doctors struggle with marketing and very few have an organized marketing action plan in place. It is easy to see why marketing can be difficult. It is rare to find doctors who are effectively utilizing a practice development plan, and even fewer have a calendar of planned marketing events and procedures. Without careful planning and timing, your marketing may not unfold in a rational or effective way. Non-systematic, scattered marketing attempts are ineffective and yield very few results. This lack of success may lead doctors to conclude that attempts to market their practice will always be met with the same lackluster outcome, and may cause the doctor to think that marketing is an exercise in futility, or unnecessary. If you want your practice marketing to succeed, you must ensure that your efforts are part of a larger strategic plan. There must be planning...

Lose Belly Fat With These Weight Loss Tips

Recent studies demonstrate that belly fat is becoming a major problem in today’s society as fat around the midsection is unhealthy and can lead to serious health issues. The proper way to lose weight around the belly is through proper diet and exercise, not pills or medications. For effective and permanent results you must reduce midsection fat the proper way and have patience because there is such thing as achieved great results overnight. It’s very easy to get discouraged so you must be very dedicated in your plan to lose weight and get six pack abs. Excess belly fat around your abdominal relates to many heart problems and CDC states that 1.2 million Americans have heart disease today. Over 450,000 people die from heart disease each year so you see how important it is to lose belly fat and maintain a healthier body. Heart disease is even more worse more women as 1 in 4 women die from it each year while 1 in 10 men die. New research reinforces the connection between stomach fat, inf...

High Blood Pressure Herbal Treatment – 5 Secrets That Could Normalize Hypertension Naturally

One of the fastest growing treatments for hypertension is high blood pressure herbal treatments. The recent jump in this natural treatment is possibly from the rise of high blood pressure cases or because people are fed up with the side effects associated with the costly prescriptions. Whatever the reason, you might want to write down these 5 secrets that could save you and your loved ones from the silent killer disease and the thousands of dollars you will pay over the next few years. Why High Blood Pressure Medications are NOT the Answer Recent figures from the American Heart Association (AHA), stated that about 65 million Americans over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. Which means that one and three adults suffer from the disease. More unfortunately, only about 63 percent of those with the problem are aware they have it. And those who are aware are usually medicated with synthetic drugs to normalize their pressure. And most of these people will be advised to stay on these...

Prevent Cervical Cancer – Visit Your Gynecologist Doctor

Pap smears are tests of a sample of cells that are taken from a female’s cervix. A pap smear is used to look for a change in the cells that show cancer or conditions that may become cancer. Bear in mind that cervical cancer can be cured when it is detected early by your gynecologist doctor. So, when should women get pap smears done? Pap screen testing should start when women reach the age of 21 and every two years after that for women who are between the ages of 21 and 29. For women who are 30 years old or older, who have had 3 consecutive normal test results, testing can be administered every 3 years. Are pap smear tests painful? Pap smear tests are not painful, but the exam may be a little uncomfortable for some women. Remember that you should never get a pap smear when you are on your period. Instead, you should wait 10 to 20 days after the first day of your period. If your doctor informed you that your test results are abnormal, that does not mean that you have cervical cancer;...

Stage 4 Lung Cancer and Survival Rate

The most advanced case of lung cancer is called stage 4 lung cancer. Stage 4 lung cancer survival rate is below 5 percent. This type of cancer occurs when the malignant cancer cells have spread towards other tissues or organs of the body. The process of the transfer of malignant cells to the other parts of the body is called metastasis. The ratio of survival greatly depends upon the spread of the cancer cells. The cancerous tumor may spread towards the brain, adrenal glands, bones and the liver as well. Stage 4 cancer of the lung should not really advance to a later stage. For most cases of this type of cancer, early detection is very crucial. Symptoms like, persistent coughing, shortness in breath, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, hoarseness in the voice and intolerable pains in the chest are symptoms of cancer of the lung. During this stage, the survival rate for this type of cancer is much unexpected. According to reliable statistics, there is only a 12% survival statistics...

Miss Brick House

At nineteen, in 1975, I was selling advertising for the OSU college paper, The Lantern, and submitting stories and getting published in the student “fringe” paper: Our Choking Times. The one where I won their respect as a budding radical, then went flying over the lines of professionalism to date Gil Scott-Heron. I not only wrote about the older and otherworldly genius radical rapper, I threw caution in my hometown wind, hit the road with him, and well, you know. Ditching college for nearly a week, I boarded a tour bus with Gil, soaking up his celebrity and smiling a smug smile, when other girls stared with hungry eyes. Mostly I watched him read and read and read. Now I knew why his lyrics were so intriguing. He devoured news magazines and books, speed-reading, thoughts on fire. I tried to be ready with an intelligent comment or witticism, while keeping the goal of my article in mind. “I like talking to you,” he once said approvingly, eyes smiling as he looked up from U.S. News and ...

Natural Female Infertility Cure Tips – How To Get Pregnant Fast

There are natural female infertility cure tips that you can use which will guide you along the way to be a mom. The ability to conceive and the proper way to do it is one of the questions frequently asked by would be parents. It seems that even though statistics for teenage pregnancies are high, having a baby is not as easy as it seems. But something can be done about it. All it takes is a little patience and the ability to relax. You will see that these natural female infertility cure tips are ideal for you. First, employ counting days of your ovulation. Every female has a few days in which she is ovulating. The best way to get pregnant are immediately the days before and after this short window of opportunity. You can use an ovulation prediction kit for this purpose or you can utilize the calendar method. Second, get into the habit of relaxing and keeping stress at bay. Remember that this natural female infertility cure tips will only work if you have stable and relaxed body to st...

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Week

Losing belly fat in a week is possible if you have the required determination and motivation to cut down on junk foods. This can be complemented with mild exercise. Before looking at ways to lose belly fat within a week, you should understand certain basics about how body stores and burns fat. Body stores fats in pockets around certain areas like belly, thighs etc. Also it loses fats the same way from different areas simultaneously. Hence there is no concept called spot reduction. If someone says his product can bring about spot reduction, you can almost be sure that it is a scam. Your task of losing belly fat has now broadened to a challenging task of losing overall body fat. Though it looks tough it is not impossible. A very strict diet plan along with exercises can flatten your tummy. This is probably the best and healthy way to lose belly fat. Do not mistake strict diet to skipping diet. A strict diet plan should be a balanced diet plan with healthy foods. These foods should be ...

Hypotension Vs Hypertension – High Vs Low Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common medical problem. It seems to happen as we age, as we become overweight and in some cases because of racial or family history. Low blood pressure isn't talked about much at all. That does not mean it's safe. Aside from the fact that when it's at zero the person is dead, it can create problems of its own. Causes Pregnancy : A pregnant woman can have, at one time or another through gestation, both. In the early months, particularly if morning sickness tends to last all day, low blood pressure is a problem. It is one of the causes of fainting during pregnancy. Towards the end of gestation another complication can occur. It starts with pre-eclampsia , a rise in blood pressure and a rise in protein in the urine. This can move on to toxemia in pregnancy which is dangerous for both mother and child. This is treated by bed rest, medications and sometimes an emergency ceserean section. The birth of the child usually ends the problem. Medication...